AED Certification: Giving Cardiac Attack Victims a Lifeline
If you know how to perform CPR, you need to also know the use of AED. The reason is that some cardiac attack cases may become worse, needing you to employ expert support. Since you don’t have to leave cardiac attack victims for dead, you can undertake AED and CPR Certification. Interestingly, you can enroll for AED Certification Online to garner skills that can make you a certified CPR expert. On this note, here are some of the beneficial highlights of taking good advantage of AED CPR Certification.

1.Preventing Brain Damage
You shouldn’t depend solely on CPR application whenever a victim is under a cardiac attack. The fact is that you need AED to send shock waves to the heart. This way, the heart will not lose its normal rhythm. After all, the brain needs oxygen while the victim is still in a coma. Therefore, you need to keep a victim’s heart active until an ambulance arrives. After all, the effect of brain damage is irreparable.
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