Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Why AED Certification Is Required?

Maybe you have seen them in high-drama medical shows on TV. Or maybe you just know that an AED is an acronym that goes hand in hand with CPR. No matter what your history with AED is, knowing the ins and outs of these medical tools/courses will one save yours and others’ life.

In this post, our experts at CPR Professor outline an essential list of what to know about AEDs. Topics covered include what an AED is, what it is used for, and the importance of using an AED when performing CPR, and some essential facts that many people don’t know about AEDs. Start learning below, and enroll in our AED Certification Courses today!

AED Certification Courses

An Automatic External Defibrillator or AED is an electronic device that sends an electric shock to the heart to restore its normal heartbeat. In combination with chest compression CPR, AED helps to get your heart beat again. AEDs are the number one device in the medical field for aiding cardiac arrest. AEDs are versatile and its certification courses are designed for everyone, regardless of any prior experience. Simply put, AED Certification Online can help you save lives.


Reading up on AED techniques is a good first step for everybody. But learning should not stop there. Everyone should know how to use AEDs, and this does not mean knowing them to use in principle, but in practice as well. Imparting AED is a fine motor skill, which means it needs to be practiced, regardless of prior knowledge. Taking a CPR, AED Certification Online led by a trained professional is the best way to make sure that you will know exactly how to use an AED in the event of an emergency.

You have several options to learn how to use an AED and administer emergency care to an individual in cardiac arrest. Online Course providers package life-saving essentials into single classes, including CPR, AED, and First Aid Classes, which cover protocol for basic emergency-response treatments. If you are familiar with First Aid and CPR, you may want to consider taking a Basic Life Support (BLS) class, where you’ll learn advanced emergency response techniques in these areas as well as AED operation.

AED certification

There is no better place to learn how to use an AED than right here at CPR Professor. We deliver over 50 years of combined experience in the health and safety training industry to businesses, organizations, and families. We have unique, innovative AED Certification training programs to fit AED Training into your busy schedule. Want more information on what to know about AEDs? Contact us to have your questions answered and enroll in our AED Certification Classes today!

Thursday, August 20, 2020

What is the Significance of CPR & AED Certification Online at Workstation?


Every day over 1000 deaths from sudden cardiac arrest occur before the victims reach the hospital or receive any emergency help. It means, a person every two minutes dies due to sudden death. The only solution to handle this sudden cardiac arrest is using an AED – automated external defibrillator. There should be AED Certification programs that every employee should learn and know how to activate AED device at a moment’s notice.

An Automated External Defibrillator is a computerized device used to handle sudden cardiac arrest situations. It’s used to check the heart rhythm of a victim and if required, the machine will allow the person operating the defibrillator to administer a shock.

However, you can take proper CPR & AED Certification Online that makes the defibrillator tool easy to use. As long as a person takes his or her time to not panic and administer a shock from the device, the likelihood of a victim’s survival increases up to a great extent. Here are a few ways taking Online AED Certification Training will help the sudden cardiac arrest victim at your organization:

The integral combination of CPR and early AED defibrillation is paramount for the survival of someone;s life. It’s beest to have a well-trained responder team member on staff at all times rather than going into a life or death emergency only half prepared.

It’s highly recommended that everyone who’ll use an AED potentially know how to recognize the signs of sudden cardiac arrest. They must know when to activate the EMS system and any updated CPR tactics. In addition, it’s really important for those operating AEDs to receive proper training and certification on specific AED model used in your workstatuon. You should know how to operate the device in an emergency situation successfully and avoid any potentially hazardous situations by using an AED.

Whenever sudden cardiac arrest does occurs, it’s necessary to rise to the occasion. As a CPR certified responder, you’re making sure that you and your staff are well-prepared to provide the best care and assistance to the sudden cardiac arrest victims. It will increase the likelihood of survival.

Sudden cardic arrest strikes at any point of time and it’s really important for as many people as possible to become CPR and AED Certified. They have the much-required skills to help everyone to stay calm and relaxed during the emergency situation.

CPR Professor specializes in providing online AED Certification Courses for both individuals and organizations. Taking CPR AED Certification Online allows you become more proactive and join millions of responders.

You’ll be better prepared to save lives in sudden cardiac arrest emergency situations with speed and confidence. For more information about our AED Certification Training, feel free to reach us as soon as possible at We’ll get back to you soon.

Monday, May 4, 2020

Basic Overview of AED CPR Certification Course Online

If you do not know, part of getting a first aid training is learning about CPR. However, if you are amongst those people who get confused when they come across the term AED during CPR Training, this post will say you the difference between CPR and AED? And is the AED part of CPR?

What’s the difference?
AED & CPR are the two different processes in saving the lives of a person suffering from cardiac arrest. CPR acts as a manual heartbeat that keeps vital organs alive even after the heart has stopped breathing. On the other hand, AED is an electronic device to revive a person’s heart when it stops beating. You can use this when you find a person’s heartbeat running abnormally. CPR pumps blood to vital organs in the body, whereas the AED restarts the heart.

AED CPR Certification can increase the chances of survival of the victim. According to the AHA, AED usage along with CPR doubles up the chances of a victim’s survival. While CPR helps in maintaining proper blood flow, AED ensures proper heart beating. Both of the certification courses are significant in increasing the odds that a person can survive a cardiac arrest.
certification courses
What’s in the CPR/AED Certification Course?

CPR Basics: It includes, an overview of scene and victim assessment, when to call EMS and good Samaritan laws, how and when to determine if someone needs care.

Adult CPR: You can administer adult CPR to adult victims of heart attack, stroke, or cardiac arrest. The course module will walk you through the CPR cycle, including the C-A-B model for proper delivery of CPR to adults.

Child CPR: You should administer child CPR correctly to children to avoid injury and make sure that you deliver life-saving techniques properly until EMS arrives. The course module will walk you through the CPR cycle, including the C-A-B model for proper delivery of CPR to children.

Infant CPR: Infants are the most vulnerable and can get injured easily if you do not deliver the CPR correctly. The course module will walk you through the CPR cycle, including the C-A-B model for proper delivery of CPR to adults.

Airway Obstruction Identification and Remedy: Here, you need to identify and treat choking victims. It includes the Heimlich Maneuver for adults, children, and infants as well as pregnant and large victims, the recovery position and when to call for help.
firstaid certification
CPR/AED Certification Online –
You need to take and pass the AED Certification Online to determine what are the skills that you have learned and what are the procedures that you need to review. Every course module includes an embedded quiz that you need to complete as you make advancement through the course training modules. The quiz consists of MCQs to assess your key aspects of delivering the CPR correctly.

CPR/AED Certification Validity –
There are several ways you can complete the CPR/AED Certification Online. New Life CPR offers easy and quick certification for everyone. The certification course modules are written and endorsed by AHA trained instructors.

If you are looking for a CPR/AED Certification from the comfort of your home, sign up with CPR Professor today!